Home Remodel: DIY or Hire a Pro?

When deciding whether to embark on a home remodel yourself or enlist the help of a professional, it’s crucial to thoroughly assess each option’s benefits and drawbacks. The advantages and disadvantages of DIY home remodel: There are several advantages to...

How to make your home more energy efficient?

Efficient energy use Did you know that lighting in your home consumes about 15% of the total electricity generated? That’s why it’s crucial to maximize its efficiency. Start by adopting simple habits like turning off lights when leaving a room, utilizing...

How to find and hire a handyman in Richmond, Virginia?

A handyman is a professional who can perform various minor repair tasks around the house, such as: Plumbing repairs Electrical work Furniture assembly Drywall repair Painting and much more. You have several ways to find Handyman: 1) Recommendations; 2) Search engines;...

Elevate Your Glen Allen, VA Home: Expert Basement Remodeling and Roof Installation Services by DFC Home Improvement

Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Glen Allen, Virginia, lies the opportunity to elevate your home to new heights. Amidst the charm of this historic city, DFC Home Improvement stands ready to transform your living space with expert basement remodeling and...